Saturday, May 23, 2020
My Modern Hero - 1943 Words
David Fowler Mr. VanDeventer World Literature A 13 October 2017 Modern Hero Essay In this world, there are many heroes living amongst us. They all look like regular, everyday people, but they are so much more than that. Even though they look normal, the things that they do for other people are extraordinary. The proper definition for a hero is, â€Å"a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.†But, a hero is someone who goes out of their way to help someone in need. For example, someone who gives food to the poor, helping kids with their homework, donating some of your salary to a charity, being a great role model, or just being nice to people constantly out of the kindness of their heart.†¦show more content†¦For example, Lionel Messi donated money to the country Syria to help out those in need while they were involved in their civil war. According to Jack Austin from the article Independent, â€Å"Messi’s foundation helped to build 20 classrooms for schools in Syria, with the invaluable work helping over 1,600 children caught up in the horrific civil war back into education. Over 60% of children in the Syrian schools where the fund has helped build new classrooms have been displaced since the conflict began in 2011.†This is important because Lionel Messi helped over 1,600 thousand children get education even though, due to the war they were unable to get education because most of the schools were destroyed. Also, before the war they had few schools to begin with because Syria is not the richest, so this allowed many kids to get an education and it helped the country out a lot. This just shows how good of a person he is and how he has impacted so many lives with his generosity and kind heart, and this is just one example of one good thing he has done so far. Another example of Lionel Messi donating money people that are in need is when he donated half a million to the charitable foundation, UNICEF. UNICEF is a organization that helps poor kids and orphans in developing countries. According to the article The Telegraph, Lionel Messi donated half a million dollars to the charity UNICEF in order for the kids to beShow MoreRelatedMy Modern Day Hero729 Words  | 3 PagesA modern day hero is someone who shows strength, courage and is willing to fight, my grandma is my modern day hero because she shows these traits and more. My grandma had a liver and kidney transplant last year, and she showed those heroic traits. She had strength both physically and mentally, she never complained and always kept fighting throughout her illness. My grandma had courage during this time because she overcame her obstacle without fear. She also showed the heroic trait willing to fightRead MoreDefinition Of A Modern Hero In Beowulf744 Words  | 3 Pagestheir definition of a hero the same as our own? A good example of an Anglo-Saxon hero is Beowulf, he travelled to Denmark with a group of warriors to fight a monster named Grendel that was terrorizing a ci ty, he also killed Grendel’s mother and a dragon to save the people in the city. He may seem like a modern hero, he’s saving the people in danger, he shows leadership, and has the bravery to do so, but there are distinct differences between the Anglo-Saxon hero and a modern hero and those differencesRead MoreHeroes : The Green Knight And Oedipus1156 Words  | 5 Pages A hero is seen as a selfless and courageous individual who saves the day. Joseph Campbell, an American mythologist, once said â€Å"the hero is the man of self achieved submission.†A hero must also go through the twelve stages which include: call to adventure, assistance/departure, trials, approach, crisis, treasure, result, returning to their ordinary world, new life, resolution and returning to status quo. Heroes such as Beowulf, The Green Knight and Oedipus, are all seen as heroes for different reasonsRead MoreCourtship in Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare Essay1323 Words  |à ‚ 6 Pagesreflects the attitudes of the society at that time. I will explore the different attitudes of modern audiences and Shakespeares audience towards these themes in the play. The two examples of relationships I have chosen are Beatrice and Benedicks and Hero and Claudios. This is because I think they are in contrast with each other, at the beginning of the play it appears that Hero and Claudio will be the perfect couple formed in a conventional way, Claudio goes through theRead MoreEssay about Harry Potter: An Ancient or Modern Hero?1023 Words  | 5 Pagesif you were regarded as ... a modern HERO. The only wizard ever to survive a powerful curse cast by Voldemort, the most powerful dark wizard; Harry was just a baby when he was attacked by the evil wizard. But he escaped the curse and had somehow managed to reverse it and take away Voldemorts power. This story was told for 11 years past only making the story of Harry Potter grow to become an even greater living legend. Most see Harry Potter as a modern hero, one whom acts courageously andRead MoreModern Hero vs. Anglo Saxon Hero Essay814 Words  | 4 PagesTodays modern day hero has similarities and differences than the Anglo-Saxon hero. The two heroes each have different values they believe in. Also, they are motivated to fight for different reasons. An Anglo-Saxon hero also fights differently than a modern day hero. An example of this comparison is Bono from the band U2 and Beowulf. Both modern day heroes, like Bono and Anglo-Saxon heroes, like Beowulf, try to improve their societies, but do it in different ways and for different reasons. Anglo-SaxonRead MoreHow Does Shakespeare Present Love and Marriage in ‘Much Ado About Nothing and How Might a Modern Audience Respond to the Presentation of These Themes?1736 Words  | 7 Pagescritics of love and through them the modern audience is shown how Elizabethan society maltreats the female role and how the male code of honour and pride can lead to devastation. Shakespeare portrays Claudio and Hero as a pair of conventional lovers who go through an unadventurous and predictive courtship. Through this relationship he shows the modern audience how women were largely dominated by men. As Claudio metaphorically asks, ‘can the world buy such a jewel Hero is portrayed as an object and someoneRead MoreThe Heroes Of The Epic Of Gilgamesh1215 Words  | 5 PagesHeroes and heroines have been gargantuan archetypes from prehistory to present. In modern times, the prominent heroes in literature and media are that of Harry Potter, Superman, Wonder Woman, and much more. There is good reason for this. In today’s sense, heroes and heroines are the epitome of what humans want in themselves. Noble, kind, selfless; these are all traits that embody the modern hero. This was not always the case, however. In ancient literature, the heroes are not good role models, mostRead MoreBeowulf : Characteristics Of An Epic Hero978 Words  | 4 Pages20/11/ 17 Beowulf: Characteristics of an Epic Hero In Anglo-Saxon literature and culture, to be considered a hero was to also be considered a warrior/ soldier. To be a hero, you had to not only be strong but you also had to be smart, and have plenty of courage. These warriors were willing to face any type of trials and tribulations at any odd. These types of heroic warriors would fight to the death to obtain glory and save their people. The Anglo-Saxon hero needed to possess all of these characteristicsRead MoreThe Iliad Vs. Troy1692 Words  | 7 PagesIliad 500 years after the Trojan war in 750 BC. An adaptation of the Homers’ Iliad is David Benioff’s 2004 film, â€Å"Troy†directed by Wolfgang Petersen, which chronicles the fates of the men involved without heavily implying Greek religion to fit the modern audience. Whilst both mediums of the war differ, there are some similarities which suit each of the intended audiences. A theme which both adaptations involve is the ancient Greek idea of Kleos (Eternal Gl ory) which can be seen by two of the Heroes
Monday, May 18, 2020
The Tyranny Of White Majority Essay - 1511 Words
The United States, even though considered the land of freedom, has been struggling with lingering racism and discrimination throughout the 19th and 20th century. Democratic reform throughout the century were implanted to eliminate the â€Å"tyranny of the white majority†Yet many scholars like Tocqueville, Fredrick Harris and WEB DuBois have challenged these results. The reality is that the tyranny of white majority has continued throughout the 18th to the 21st century resulting in a society that has suppressed and constantly failed to integrate African American into the white society by neglecting the race, using natural prejudice, race neutral policies, and laws that benefited whites more than African Americans. Even before the 13th amendment and emancipation of slaves, small reforms in the northern states were being implemented to create a true free society. One would argue that these reforms were the first steps of a liberal reform that would lead to the eventual equality amongst the two races but what is forgotten is that even though reforms were passed the white majority had a natural prejudice. Tocqueville explains what makes the natural prejudice was the disgrace the African American ethnicity received by being forced as slaves. This slavery was based on race rather than being like ancient slavery which had nothing to do the face of a person (PG 400). The African Americans who were considered free during the that were still disgraced because as Tocqueville said freeShow MoreRelatedThe United States Is An Effective System Of Government Essay1386 Words  | 6 Pagesnobody can gain too much power over the rest. When the founding fathers were drafting the constitution they were referri ng to a person or a group when referring to â€Å"Tyranny†. Unfortunately tyranny has arisen in the United States, but not in the way anyone expected, race has become a form of tyranny. The tyrannical white majority has been a large influence in the United States ever since inception and have been substantially prevalent around events in the US like reconstruction, civil rights movementRead MoreWomen, Liberty And The Pursuit Of Happiness Essay1197 Words  | 5 Pagesracial equality and reform still remains a prevalent issue in the United States. Authors like Alexis De Tocqueville, W.E.B DuBois, and Frederick Harris albeit from different time periods believed democratic reforms failed to eliminate the ‘tyranny of the white majority’ and the United States has continued to provide evidence to confirm that belief. For most of the 19th century slavery was established a backbone that kept the southern farming economy stable. Democracy in America documents De Tocqueville’sRead MoreThe Tyranny Of The Prevailing Opinion And Feeling977 Words  | 4 PagesThe existence of â€Å"the tyranny of the prevailing opinion and feeling†(Mill 4) also constrains an individual’s personal liberty. In On Liberty, Mill wrote that â€Å"the mass do not now take their opinions from â€Å"the mass do not now take their opinions from dignitaries in Church or State, from ostensible leaders, or from books. Their thinking is done for them by men much like themselves†(63). Mill believed that the majority in the society tends to impose their own ideas and practices onto other peopleRead MoreThe Quantitative Article, Donaldson, Sue And Will Essay1153 Words  | 5 Pagesand the Threat of Tyranny. Canadian Journal of Political Science 47 no.1 (2014): 23-45. http://resolver.scholarsportal.i nfo/resolve/00084239/v47i0001/23_ubacattot,†pertains to domesticated animal’s having the right to be considered citizens. However, this article was written as a rebuttal to an earlier journal article by Emma Planinc, â€Å" ¬Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¬ Democracy, Despots and Wolves: On the Dangers of Zoopolis s Animal Citizen†. â€Å"Unruly Beasts: Animal Citizens and the Threat of Tyranny†provides the readerRead MoreHow Did the Constitution Guard Against Tyranny?1299 Words  | 6 PagesWith a broken system in place, why was it important that a group of wealthy, white men from the thirteen original states, except for Rhode Island, frame a government that would be strong enough to serve the new nation, but not create any form of tyranny? The first constitution, The Articles of Confederation, was an agreement among all thirteen states that was drafted on July 12, 1776 and completed its formal ratification in March of 1781. It allowed thirteen states to set up cent ral organizationsRead MoreThe American Civil War: Interpretations of Democracy Essay1415 Words  | 6 Pagesfoes†(Lincoln, 1861, 22). The Confederacy, in its endeavor to secede from a larger authority, represented the tyranny of the minority that Lincoln so greatly feared would result in the eradication of government controlled by the public. The minority, in this instance, was the small number of wealthy slaveholders dominating the interests of the whole, making an effort to force the majority to go along with what it is that they desire and what is beneficial to their individual interests. Lincoln questionedRead MoreFreedom : Freedom Of Speech And Freedom Of Speech1167 Words  | 5 Pagesleague, are standing as one team during the national anthem. However, a few NBA players such as Kevin Durant and Stephen Curry are demonstrating freedom of speech by expressing their anger towards the Donald Trump and declining their invitation to the White House this year. Racial ine quality in our country was much worse in the mid twentieth century, however freedom of speech allowed this country to make significant progress. Martin Luther King Jr’s of freedom of speech allowed African Americans to liveRead MoreThe Constitution Of The United States1632 Words  | 7 Pagesdecisions on the laws that impact the county. While the citizens did elect the officials they have little control over what the officials do after they are elected. The original constitution prior to amendments lacked democracy in that it was limited to white males as the sole citizens able to vote for officials. â€Å"The Fifteenth Amendment prohibited the discrimination on the basis of race in determining voter eligibility†(Edwards, 58). The Nineteenth Amendment gave woman the right to vote. These amendmentsRead MoreEssay about Madisonian Majorities1643 Words  | 7 Pageswhen it comes to majorities and minorities, majorities tend to overpower minorities. Guinier makes a great point when she brings up, Madisonian Majorities, which are minorities working with the majority to achieve a solution. By working in this format, we could achieve so much more in much peaceful ways. Madisonian majorities could be best applied to a democracy, because both the majority and minority can work together to satisfy the needs of its citizens. Madisonian Majorities helped shape countlessRead MoreThe Development to The United States Constitution Essay1643 Words  | 7 PagesPlan was chosen, and the Constitution was adopted. The Constitutional delegates wrote the Constitution with the goals of creating commensurate representation, answering the question of state sovereignty, and ensuring a government that was free from tyranny. The Articles of Confederation were ratified in 1781, and the United States government operated under them for eight years. From 1776 through 1787, two political parties dominated in America – the Federalists and the Nationalists. Led by Alexander
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Bushwick Center For Rehabilitation And Healthcare Essay
Bushwick Center for Rehabilitation and Healthcare The Facility The Bushwick Center is a skilled nursing facility (SNF). It is both rehabilitation and nursing facility. Clients typically get occupational and physical therapy services in the facility. Other support services include social services, medical, and dietary/nutrition. Fieldwork Assignment Bushwick Center has a recreational therapy department. I was assigned to that department for my level 1 fieldwork. The activities director together with several recreational therapist staff members runs the department. The main focus of the department is engage clients in meaningful and leisurely activities within their stay. They have daily activities scheduled and spread throughout the week. The activities calendar is updated every month. I was a student volunteer for the department and the scope of our volunteer work was to assist staff members when they have an activity scheduled during the day. Playing movies, listening to different kinds of music, coffee/ tea time, celebrating important events throughout the year are routine activities that they do in the department to help clients engage in social events. The recreation department also gives clients the opportunity to participate in arts and crafts. Majority of the clients in the recreation department pre fers to engage in arts and crafts. Currently, there are no occupational therapy practitioners in the recreation department. This is a really good area to explore
A Chronicle of the Plague Free Essays
The Black Death: A Chronicle of the Plague by Johannes Nohl (1882–1963) is an illustrative book that traces down the flux of plague and its effects in Europe over the centuries. It examines this malady from historical and sociological perspective. The major contribution of Johannes Nohl is that he does not rely on secondary sources but has researched the contemporary chronicles to locate the pathos and miseries that this epidemic afflicted on the populations of Europe over the centuries. We will write a custom essay sample on A Chronicle of the Plague or any similar topic only for you Order Now Scope of work is both intensive and extensive as he has provided an in-depth study that encompasses four centuries (1337-1720) and a vast geographical area from Western Europe to Russia and from Nordic ice-burgs to the Mediterranean Sea. In addition to being a historian, Johannes Nohl was also a psychoanalyst. So The Black Death: A Chronicle of the Plague is not a mere chronicle of the plague its effects but also it further analyzes the socio-cultural, psychological and economic effects of this epidemics on the whole European civilization that persist in certain societies hitherto. It beautifully blends the comprehensive accounts of the pandemic that caused almost 40 million deaths a single century during the fourteenth century alone with durable socio-cultural impact. The book also locates that how people countered these epidemics and what practical measures were adopted to tackle the problem at large scale. Nohl illustrate that Black Death changed the patterns of life and affected all facets of culture as people migrated from one geographical location to the other to escape themselves from this epidemic. First two chapters, The Aspect of the Plague and The Precursors of the Plague describe the nature of plague as it was understood by the contemporary societies. Nohl has explored through contemporary chronicles that Plague was considered a celestial phenomenon as plague use to visit the European societies sporadically in the form of a natural disaster. Furthermore, Nohl explores that most usual route of these epidemics were from India to Central Asia and then to Europe through trade groups and in Europe it used to spread along with waterways in the shape of a natural catastrophe. In the next two chapters The Medical Profession and Plague Remedies, Nohl discovers the available medical remedies in the medieval societies and how medical professionals reacted to it. Contemporary chironicles suggest that mostly people used to rely on religious conviction and pilgrimages rather than visiting a doctor. Most medical treatment was based on plant extracts. Availability and affordability of medicines were another problem due to mass scale spread and impact of the disease. Nohl looks into the various other socio-political aspects of the epidemic. For example, aadministrative precautions mostly included individual and group exclusion from the community of the hale and hearty. A systematic effort in this regards was not possible as plague used to erupt abruptly, so it was administered intermittently. Nohl has not only provided the official and royal manuscripts and chronicles but to present the conditions and miseries of the general public, he has included chronicles of travelers, contemporary historians. These clearly manifest that plague had different effects of different social classes and each class was treated in a different way both socially and administratively. In addition to socio-cultural and political effects, epidemic of plague had cast their disturbing impact on the worldview Christian community. Church responded in its own way to the pandemic. The Church labeled it as a reaction of sins and their only remedy was ritualistic deliverance that would purge the sins. So ritualistic practices were used to organize at the individual and collective level. Some other Christian followers were of the view that world is overtaken by the evil as Divinity itself was a friend of mankind and how it could afflict it with such pathos and miseries. Another section of orthodox sect, The Luciferians were of the view that God had toppled down Lucifer, their lord, and had taken over heaven. So this is a natural response of this tragedy. (Nohl 1924, 161-163). Some other compared the disease as an Arial and celestial phenomenon that was beyond the strength and capacity of mankind. This view was further reinforced by the fact that prior to the Black Death, in 1117, the eruption of plague was coincided with a cosmic phenomenon that medieval mind was unable to comprehend. Nohl states in this regard that In 1117, in January, a comet passed like a fiery army from North toward the orient, the moon was o’ercast blood-red in an eclipse, a year later a light appeared more brilliant than the sun,. This was followed by great cold, famine and plague, of which one-third of the humanity have said to have perished. Nohl further describes same coincidences in 1568, 1582 and 1606 when Netherlands, Prague and Vienna were badly affected with plague. This shaped the general mentality that plague is an extra human phenomenon and mankind had no control over it. The social fabric of the whole European society was transformed by these notions and beliefs. Nohl depicts that beside human causalities, first social causality was breakdown of social order. There was â€Å"an incapacity to believe that so uncanny a disease as the plague could be attributable to natural causes†which led â€Å"the fateful misconception of [its] artificial production†(Nohl 171). This belief molded their worldview and they become more recluse and a believers in the fictitious remedial rituals. Nohl also illustrates an interesting but tragic fact that plague was intentionally passed on to others. He located the motive for this deliberate infection as infectants did not want to undergo the agonies alone. Furthermore, it was common belief that one could liberate oneself of his contagion by transmitting it to others (Nohl 171). Nohl also provides evidences when someone infected his/her rival or enemy due to sheer malice and enmity. Sometime, Lutherans were blamed for this curse but more often Jews were labeled as propellants of this deadly disease. So they were persecuted on mass level to purge the society from this malady but it is a fact that Jews used running streams for their sanitary purposes unlike Christian who used contaminated public wells that were often a prime cause for dispersal of various diseases. Toward end, the book has an interesting chapter, The Erotic Element in the Plague that relation sexuality with deadly disease. This book covers all aspects of Black Death pertaining to the contemporary medieval societies and all these are supported with the contemporary chronicles. It not only provides a synopsis of whole epidemic history but provides an in-depth analysis of the entire phenomenon. References Nohl, Johannes. 1924. The Black Death: A Chronicle of the Plague. Translated by C. H. Clarke. New York: Harper and Brothers Publishers. How to cite A Chronicle of the Plague, Papers
A Chronicle of the Plague Free Essays
The Black Death: A Chronicle of the Plague by Johannes Nohl (1882–1963) is an illustrative book that traces down the flux of plague and its effects in Europe over the centuries. It examines this malady from historical and sociological perspective. The major contribution of Johannes Nohl is that he does not rely on secondary sources but has researched the contemporary chronicles to locate the pathos and miseries that this epidemic afflicted on the populations of Europe over the centuries. We will write a custom essay sample on A Chronicle of the Plague or any similar topic only for you Order Now Scope of work is both intensive and extensive as he has provided an in-depth study that encompasses four centuries (1337-1720) and a vast geographical area from Western Europe to Russia and from Nordic ice-burgs to the Mediterranean Sea. In addition to being a historian, Johannes Nohl was also a psychoanalyst. So The Black Death: A Chronicle of the Plague is not a mere chronicle of the plague its effects but also it further analyzes the socio-cultural, psychological and economic effects of this epidemics on the whole European civilization that persist in certain societies hitherto. It beautifully blends the comprehensive accounts of the pandemic that caused almost 40 million deaths a single century during the fourteenth century alone with durable socio-cultural impact. The book also locates that how people countered these epidemics and what practical measures were adopted to tackle the problem at large scale. Nohl illustrate that Black Death changed the patterns of life and affected all facets of culture as people migrated from one geographical location to the other to escape themselves from this epidemic. First two chapters, The Aspect of the Plague and The Precursors of the Plague describe the nature of plague as it was understood by the contemporary societies. Nohl has explored through contemporary chronicles that Plague was considered a celestial phenomenon as plague use to visit the European societies sporadically in the form of a natural disaster. Furthermore, Nohl explores that most usual route of these epidemics were from India to Central Asia and then to Europe through trade groups and in Europe it used to spread along with waterways in the shape of a natural catastrophe. In the next two chapters The Medical Profession and Plague Remedies, Nohl discovers the available medical remedies in the medieval societies and how medical professionals reacted to it. Contemporary chironicles suggest that mostly people used to rely on religious conviction and pilgrimages rather than visiting a doctor. Most medical treatment was based on plant extracts. Availability and affordability of medicines were another problem due to mass scale spread and impact of the disease. Nohl looks into the various other socio-political aspects of the epidemic. For example, aadministrative precautions mostly included individual and group exclusion from the community of the hale and hearty. A systematic effort in this regards was not possible as plague used to erupt abruptly, so it was administered intermittently. Nohl has not only provided the official and royal manuscripts and chronicles but to present the conditions and miseries of the general public, he has included chronicles of travelers, contemporary historians. These clearly manifest that plague had different effects of different social classes and each class was treated in a different way both socially and administratively. In addition to socio-cultural and political effects, epidemic of plague had cast their disturbing impact on the worldview Christian community. Church responded in its own way to the pandemic. The Church labeled it as a reaction of sins and their only remedy was ritualistic deliverance that would purge the sins. So ritualistic practices were used to organize at the individual and collective level. Some other Christian followers were of the view that world is overtaken by the evil as Divinity itself was a friend of mankind and how it could afflict it with such pathos and miseries. Another section of orthodox sect, The Luciferians were of the view that God had toppled down Lucifer, their lord, and had taken over heaven. So this is a natural response of this tragedy. (Nohl 1924, 161-163). Some other compared the disease as an Arial and celestial phenomenon that was beyond the strength and capacity of mankind. This view was further reinforced by the fact that prior to the Black Death, in 1117, the eruption of plague was coincided with a cosmic phenomenon that medieval mind was unable to comprehend. Nohl states in this regard that In 1117, in January, a comet passed like a fiery army from North toward the orient, the moon was o’ercast blood-red in an eclipse, a year later a light appeared more brilliant than the sun,. This was followed by great cold, famine and plague, of which one-third of the humanity have said to have perished. Nohl further describes same coincidences in 1568, 1582 and 1606 when Netherlands, Prague and Vienna were badly affected with plague. This shaped the general mentality that plague is an extra human phenomenon and mankind had no control over it. The social fabric of the whole European society was transformed by these notions and beliefs. Nohl depicts that beside human causalities, first social causality was breakdown of social order. There was â€Å"an incapacity to believe that so uncanny a disease as the plague could be attributable to natural causes†which led â€Å"the fateful misconception of [its] artificial production†(Nohl 171). This belief molded their worldview and they become more recluse and a believers in the fictitious remedial rituals. Nohl also illustrates an interesting but tragic fact that plague was intentionally passed on to others. He located the motive for this deliberate infection as infectants did not want to undergo the agonies alone. Furthermore, it was common belief that one could liberate oneself of his contagion by transmitting it to others (Nohl 171). Nohl also provides evidences when someone infected his/her rival or enemy due to sheer malice and enmity. Sometime, Lutherans were blamed for this curse but more often Jews were labeled as propellants of this deadly disease. So they were persecuted on mass level to purge the society from this malady but it is a fact that Jews used running streams for their sanitary purposes unlike Christian who used contaminated public wells that were often a prime cause for dispersal of various diseases. Toward end, the book has an interesting chapter, The Erotic Element in the Plague that relation sexuality with deadly disease. This book covers all aspects of Black Death pertaining to the contemporary medieval societies and all these are supported with the contemporary chronicles. It not only provides a synopsis of whole epidemic history but provides an in-depth analysis of the entire phenomenon. References Nohl, Johannes. 1924. The Black Death: A Chronicle of the Plague. Translated by C. H. Clarke. New York: Harper and Brothers Publishers. How to cite A Chronicle of the Plague, Papers
Supply Chain Management Practice of Ikea †
Question: Discuss about the Supply Chain Management Practice of Ikea. Answer: Overview Of The Case Supply chain management is regarded as the process of managing all interrelated business activities through which flow of goods and services are managed. Further, it is considered as the chain through which products are purchased for production purpose and ultimately it reaches to the target markets who are the ultimate buyers(Waters Rinsler, 2014). For every type of business operating in the market, it is necessary to manage its supply chain in an effective manner so that right kind of good can be offered to the customer as per their expectation. The present report is based on analyzingsupply chain management practice of Ikea where the company has 27 trading offices in 23 countries, 15 customer distribution centers and 33 distribution centers. The Company is headquartered in Netherlands that is indulged into the practice of designing and selling ready to assemble furniture, home accessories and kitchen appliances. The environment where Ikea operates is highly competitive, and its main competitors are online and retail furniture stores(Sandybayev, 2017). The main focus of the organization is on offering the wide range of products that are of high quality. Considering the supply chain practice of Ikea, it undertakes different stages and involves primary, secondary and tertiary sectors that are involved in procurement of raw material, production, distribution, retail sales, etc. Competitive Strategy Of Ikea Considering the supply chain practice of Ikea where operations are carried out with the help of three different stages that involves primary, secondary and tertiary. Through effectivemanagement of supply chain, the key goal of business is to ensure customer satisfaction and providing them remarkable purchase experience. In the stores of Ikea different products are available where they can easily choose the best product that meets with their requirement. The packaging of the product is also done in the different manner that contains instructions and all the necessary information regarding products. Along with this additional facilities are provided to the customers that involve children play area, food court, mini cinema, etc(Jonsson, Rudberg, Holmberg, 2013). This strategy allows the company to influence purchase behavior of its customers. The key competitive strategy undertaken by Ikea is product diversification and cost leadership which has been considered with the help of its supply chain practice. The company strongly focuses on decreasing cost of production with the help of reducing wastage, decreasing operational error, integration of stakeholders, etc. Apart from this product diversification as one of the strategy is also employed where with the help of innovation new furniture items are developed. So, this competitive strategy has allowed the company to deal with the issue of competition prevailing in the market(Stadtler, 2015). Supply chain practice of Ikea starts with sales and demand planning followed by marketing planning and supplier capacity and load planning. All these activities are undertaken with the motive to provide proper convenience to the target market, and it has enhanced the overall performance of Ikea in the market. Key Points Of Ikea Supply Chain Above shown is the supply chain of Ikea that highlights the key activities involving central planning, distribution services, and retail. The suppliers of the company are present in 50 countries, and Ikea has developed the strong relationship with them through trust, transparency and another form of aspects(Sezen, 2008). The key points associated with the supply chain practice of Ikea are as follows: Purchasing and logistics activities are integrated within the business Segregation of the process into primary, secondary and tertiary sectors that is engaged into production, distribution, raw material and retail sales to the end customers. Emphasize on key aspects such as sustainability and quality, affordability, accessibility etc. At the time of dealing with partners main stress is on efficient production and working a lot to reduce logistics cost(Mangan Lalwani, 2016). Raw materials are sourced from the suppliers in the market at lowest price. Suppliers adhere to the IWAY code through which quality standards are met by the company. Adoption of automated system to manage inventory and this leads to efficient utilization of the main resources of the business. Activities that are associated with the order fulfillment process are carried out by Ikea range and supply where main tasks are plan, source, make, deliver, return and enable Ikea relies on e-wheel tool with the motive to evaluate the environmental impact of its products. Around 50% of Ikea 9,500 products are manufactured with the help of wood or wood fibers. This is one of the most effective resource form sustainability point of view(Lockamy III McCormack, 2004) Many designs of the products are developed by the company where the main motive behind the same is to reduce the use of materials. For instance some tables are manufactured with the help of recycled plastic etc. Stores of the company add value to the produced goods and this allows in providing remarkable experience to the customers in every possible manner. So, these are some of the key highlights of the Ikeas supply chain that makes it different from other companies operating in the market. How Company Delivers Value In order to deliver remarkable value to the customers, various strategies have been employed by Ikea. For determining the level of customer satisfaction, various aspects are undertaken by the company such as returned products, number of products and the recommendations received from the customers(Jacobs, Chase, Lummus, 2011). The company delivers value by providing proper assistance to the target market in the form of facilities such as food court, mini area, supervised children play area, etc. This supports in providing the high level of experience to the customers in every possible manner and enhances company performance. Apart from this, packaging of the products is done conveniently through self-assembly flat packs that contain necessary instructions. The main strategies of the company involve cost leadership and product diversification. This is the main reason due to which majority of the customers are highly satisfied with the product range of Ikea and in turn company is able to gain the competitive edge through this(Halldrsson, Kotzab, Skjtt-Larsen, 2009). The actual value is delivered to the target market with the help of high-quality product of different designs that are manufactured with the help of advanced technology. So, these are some of the key methods employed by Ikea in order to deliver value to the target market. Order Processing Strategy Of Ikea The order processing strategy of Ikea takes into consideration various tasks that are carried out by Ikea. The plan is the first stage where Ikea identifies the production requirement as per demand for its products in the market and determining the relevant cost along with the logistics required. Next crucial stage is the source where company orders the raw materials required from different suppliers(Ganesan, George, Jap, Palmatier, Weitz, 2009). Make is the next stage where the resources present are allocated in the production process where manufacturing takes place in line with the quality along with the quantity requirement. Further, deliver is another stage where large numbers of distribution processes are undertaken with the motive to deliver products to the sales outlets, storage units to the end customers(Ayers, 2006). Return is another stage where customers are provided warranty for the products they purchase. In case if any product has any default then it is possible for them to return the goods and through this company provides them appropriate convenience. At last is the enable stage where integration of all the members in the supply chainmanagement process takes place, and it is ensured whether IWAY code is appropriately followed or not(Chopra Meindl, 2007). All the staff members are involved in the innovation process, and this contributes a lot to the success of the enterprise. These are some of the key stages of the ordering process of Ikea through which company is able to deliver appropriate products to the target market and has allowed performing better as compared with other companies operating in the market. Summary Of The Case And Recommendation The entire case has supported in knowing about the supply chain management practices of Ikea that are quite effective. The key stages such as primary, secondary and tertiary are effective through which right kind of product is delivered to the target market. Apart from this, for delivering high value to the target market additional facilities are rendered to the customers such as mini cinema, children play area etc. Further, company welcomes suggestions from its customers that are associated with the product development. Moreover, some effective ways are present through which Ikea can improve its supply chain practice and they are as follows: Ikea supply chain strategy must be more flexible so that it is possible to change its supply chain practices frequently and in lesser period of time. Heavy reliance must be on advanced tools and techniques so that efficient production can be carried out that can save cost and in turn product of unique design can be developed easily which is beneficial for the company and customers also. A Large number of factors are present that influences supply chain strategy of Ikea and it is necessary for the company to ensure well in advance that all the influencing factors are well maintained and satisfied too. References Ayers, J. B. (2006). Handbook of supply chain management. Florida: CRC Press. Chopra, S., Meindl, P. (2007). Supply chain management. Strategy, planning operation. Das summa summarum des management , 265-275. Ganesan, S., George, M., Jap, S., Palmatier, R. 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Friday, May 1, 2020
Elasticity Essay Research Paper IntroductionElasticity is the free essay sample
Elasticity Essay, Research Paper Introduction Elasticity is the reactivity of demand or supply to the alterations in monetary values or income. There are assorted expressions and guidelines to follow when seeking to cipher these responses. For case, when the per centum of alteration of the measure demanded is greater so the per centum alteration in monetary value, the demand is known to be monetary value elastic. On the other manus, if the per centum alteration in demand is less than so the per centum alteration in monetary value, Like that of demand, supply plants in a similar manner. When the per centum alteration of measure supplied is greater than the per centum alteration in monetary value, supply is know to be elastic. When the per centum alteration of measure supplied is less so the per centum alteration in monetary value, so the supply so demand is known to be monetary value inelastic. The undermentioned text is existent universe illustrations of these economic rules. They have been provided to construct a span between current economic state of affairss and economic rules of snap. The Demand for Lotto: The Role of Conscious Selection In this article is a treatment about the snap of demand for lottery tickets. Time series informations was used in a manner in which the expected value of the lottery ticket would change due to rollovers ( Farrel 1 ) . It was found that there are far more rollovers than expected given the lottery design ( Farrel 1 ) . There was besides some strong grounds found that supported that persons did non pick their Numberss in a unvarying affair. The reverse supply map was found by utilizing estimations that enabled them to place the demand snap ( Farrel 1 ) . This analysis was based on the U.K. National Lottery that came about November 1994. With this in head we realize that because game designs are similar throughout the universe, these findings are more widely relevant ( Farrel 1 ) . The monetary value snap of demand for lottery tickets shows that demand varies depending on the expected return from a winning ticket ( Farrel 1 ) . From this we deduce that this snap is relevant to the design of the lottery ( Farrel 1 ) . The manner that the demand snap is derived is by comparing the rollover hebdomads with the non-rollover hebdomads. By making this, the normal demand is recorded during the non-rollover hebdomads to see what level the demand is normally at. Then from at that place they can see how the demand increases as the lottery rolls over. Depending on rollovers for this survey poses a job. Rollovers should happen infrequently go forthing the opportunity of non holding adequate discrepancy in the informations to make a dependable estimation ( Farrel 2 ) . However, one of the surprising inside informations of the information is that rollovers occurred more on a regular basis so if it was generated by # 8220 ; statistical opportunity # 8221 ; ( Farrel 2 ) . What this means to the U.K. lottery is that when ticket gross revenues are at their average degree of 65 million with a 6-ball lottery ; there is a one per centum opportunity of rollover. Bing that a high rollover rate is common in to all lotto games, the U.K. lottery yielded 19 rollovers from the 116 draws that were studied ( Farrel 2 ) . The ground for this high rate of rollovers is that the people that are taking the Numberss are taking them in a non-uniform manner. This means that they cover a smaller scope of combinations with their Numberss. This besides helps in explicating why when person does win there is normally more than one victor ( Farrel 2 ) . The Elasticity of Demand for Lotto Tickets And the Corresponding Welfare Effectss This article did a survey utilizing the first 254 hebdomads of the Florida Lottery. The survey shows grounds of the Florida Lottery monetary value snap being close integrity. This happens when using a step of bingo ticket monetary value that is superior to that used by others ( Mason 1 ) . From these consequences it may be, in comparing to other provinces, that Florida has room to increase the odds to increase the monetary value snap of demand to the revenue-maximizing degree ( Mason 1 ) . Price Elasticity of Demand and an Optimum Cash Discount Rate in Credit Policy The proviso of a hard currency price reduction in puting up recognition footings is tantamount to a decrease in monetary value. By and large, it is assumed that when a hard currency price reduction is administered it will ensue in a higher degree of gross revenues. This premise is merely consistent with monetary value elastic demand ( Rashid 1 ) . If the demand of a merchandise is deemed monetary value inelastic, so a hard currency price reduction will take down gross revenues ( Rashid 1 ) . # 8220 ; Frantz Viscione ( 1976 ) , in a study of over 100 U.S. fabrication houses, show that the debut ( and in some instances the riddance ) of a hard currency price reduction led to more ( or less ) net incomes for some houses, less ( or more ) net incomes for some other houses and no alteration in profitableness for the leftover houses. These findings are consistent with the differential effects of the hard currency price reduction in state of affairss of elastic, inelastic, and unitary elas tic demand ( Rashid 1 ) . # 8221 ; When lookin g at the instance of either elastic or inelastic demand, the proviso a hard currency price reduction adds another benefit ( cost ) to be considered during the analysis of the finding of an optimum hard currency price reduction rate ( Rashid 1 ) . Regardless, there is still a degree of inelasticity where all the fringy additions from a hard currency price reduction are precisely outweighed ( Rashid 1 ) . Price snap may differ from one geographical location to the following. Hotch, Kim, Montgomery, and Rossi ( 1995 ) did a survey that estimated the # 8220 ; shop specific monetary value snaps of demand # 8221 ; for a concatenation of about 85 supermarkets ( Rashid 1 ) . Among the findings of this survey was that they found eleven demographic and competitory variables. These 11 variables helped to explicate around 60 seven per centum of the fluctuations in snap ( Rashid 2 ) . From these it happening it is said that if a shop is holding different monetary value snaps for a merchandise in different locations, that it should put different hard currency price reductions consequently. Estimating Price Elasticities with Theory-based Priors Price snap can be improved in demand systems that involve multiple trade names and multiple shops. # 8220 ; They treat these demand theoretical accounts in a hierarchal Bayesian model ( Montgomery 1 ) . # 8221 ; Montgomery uses anterior information based on the limitations imposed by linear public-service corporation theoretical accounts. To explicate linear public-service corporation approaches farther, monetary value snaps are driven by a general permutation parametric quantity every bit good as brand-specific outgo snaps ( Montgomery 1 ) . Along with the linear public-service corporation attack, Montgomery besides used a differential shrinking attack. Differential shrinking is when the monetary value snaps are held near to limitations of the linear public-service corporation theory and # 8220 ; store-to-store fluctuation is accommodated through differences in outgo elasticities. # 8221 ; After using these new methods, Montgomery found that there were drastic betterments over t he bing Bayesian and non-Bayesian methods ( Montgomery 1 ) . The Detailed scanner informations and pricing conditions have been made available for about every type of consumer-packaged good and all major retail formats. What does this make? It makes it possible to analyse and analyze the market construction, trade name competition, and elasticity-based attacks to optimum pricing. ( Montgomery 1 ) . After analyses on the appraisal of a demand system and the associated monetary value snaps, single shops or groups of shops can exhibit micro-pricing. This is when the person shops or the groups of shops charge different monetary values to work differences in consumer monetary value sensitiveness ( Montgomery 2 ) . Regardless of the efforts of a quantitative demand-based attack to pricing issues, it is still distant from to the full ciphering the monetary value that creates the best demand snap. This is because it is hard to acquire sensible monetary value snap estimations. Conclusion/Summary There are many different types of snaps. They can be found in merely about every retail shop. With this in head, we note that there are new and old methodological analysiss to analyze, analyse, and estimation relevant monetary value snaps. This paper was an gateway to seeing how some surveies and economic research has been taking topographic point and where. I found some of the surveies to be fiddling. This significance that the writers used originative techniques to calculate and gauge some of the snaps. I besides found it interesting how I could associate to the existent life state of affairss such as the Lottery. For illustration, when the lottery starts turn overing over it creates a ballyhoo, and the demand goes up. I was ever cognizant of this phenomenon but neer realized what it really was. Bibliography Work Cited Farrell, Lisa ; Hartley, Roger ; Lanot, Gauthier ; Walker, Ian The Demand for Lotto: The Role of Conscious Selection, Journal of Business A ; Economic Statistics, Apr2000, Vol. 18 Issue 2. Mason, Paul M. ; Steagall, Jeffrey W. , The snap of demand for lotto tickets and the corresponding public assistance effects. , Public Finance Review, Sep97, Vol. 25, Issue 5. Rashid, Muhammad ; Mitra, Devashis, Price Elasticity of Demand and an Optimum Cash Discount Rate in Credit Policy, Financial Review, Aug99, Vol. 34 Issue. Montgomery, Alan L. ; Rossi, Peter E. , Estimating Price Elasticities with Theory-based Priors, Journal of Marketing Research, Nov99, Vol. 36 Issue 4. Table of Contentss Introduction 1 The Demand for Lotto: The Role of Conscious Selection 1 The Elasticity of Demand for Lotto Tickets And the Matching Welfare Effects 3 Demand and an Optimum Cash Discount Rate in Credit Policy 4 Estimating Price Elasticities with Theory-based Priors 5 Conclusion/Summary 7 Work Cited 8
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